Claude Lalande
In 36 years as a manager at McGill University, Claude was the first administrator when the McGill AIDS Centre was created, directed by the late Dr. Marc Wainberg, using his academic training in biology and administration. A gay man living with HIV, himself diagnosed in 1996, he lived through the period of the HIV pandemic of the 1980s and 1990s, when he saw many of his loved ones die. He has been a volunteer at Maison Plein Cœur since his retirement, notably accompanying people to medical appointments and distributing food aid. He also received intensive massage training at Maison Plein Cœur, where he does chair massages at special events. He has been a member of Maison Plein Cœur’s Board of Directors since 2019 and has been its Chairman since 2020. He is the second person living openly with HIV to serve as president, since the founder. He has participated in various panel discussions on HIV, including the Carnival of Colours and the Community Response to the 2022 International AIDS Conference. In addition to his involvement with Maison Plein Cœur, he chairs the Board of Directors of Fierté littéraire and is a public representative on research ethics committees.

Gilles Jalbert
Vice President
With a Master’s degree in Industrial Relations – Human Resources option, Gilles comes to the Board with 35 years of experience as a human resources development manager in the private and public sectors.
Retired since 2018, he devotes part of his time as a consultant in organizational development and human resources management in the community, mainly for clients struggling with HIV, mental health and homelessness. Gilles has been living with HIV since 2000.

Pilar Ramirez Garcia
A nurse, professor and researcher in nursing sciences at the University of Montreal, Pilar’s research projects focus on the contribution of mind-body approaches such as meditation, yoga and relaxation to the well-being of people living with HIV. She has been collaborating with Maison Plein Cœur since 2000 in various projects and is now proud to be a member of the Board of Directors.
Vacant position

Andre Desbiens
For the past 35 years, André has been professionally involved as a broker in the real estate industry. For two decades, he has worked as one of the leaders of Serge Savard’s Real Estate Group, dedicated to the management of major real estate and hotel investments. Among his most exotic feathers, André managed the Canadian investment in Cuba of the “El Senador” Group. Today, still with a touch of the exotic, his art shines from “Little Italy” under the hat of “Remax du Cartier”.

Éric Fortin
Involved in the sexual health community since 2014, Éric volunteered for RÉZO as a receptionist at the SPOT screening clinic from 2014 to 2015 and worked on the MOBILISE research group on HIV-ITSS prevention, a study of the UQAM sexology department directed by Joanne Otis. He then joined Maison Plein Cœur, as day centre manager from 2015 to 2020 and as support buddy for the ACCM from 2020 to today. As a peer researcher for the HEADS-UP study at the University of Victoria under the auspices of COCQ-SIDA since September 2020, Eric has acquired a vast knowledge of HIV over the years. A passionate horticulturist and president of the Georges-Vanier community garden for the past two years, he works to make urban agriculture more accessible. He has also worked in various fields such as construction, fashion and bars.

Marie Niyongere
A historian by training (University of Burundi), Marie holds a professional certificate in social work and psychology in Quebec (2001-2014). She is currently pursuing a training in social geriatrics.
Marie has extensive experience in the community since 2003:
From 2003-2005: volunteer at Gap-Vies in prevention.
From 2005-2007: Member of the Board of Directors at COCQ-Sida and CRISS
Her experience at CASM :
2004-2005: fall employee at CASM in support
2005 – 2008: receptionist
2008 -2014: Refugee Project Officer
2014-2015: Service Coordinator
2015-2018 : Executive Director
2019 – present: Volunteer at SCAMA Laval.