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Our team

Our team

Nancy Labonté

Nancy Labonté

General Manager


Extension: 222

Nancy Labonté has been General Manager of Maison Plein Cœur since March 4, 2024. Previously, as coordinator since 2012 at the Association Facultaire des Étudiants et Étudiantes en Langues et Communication (AFELC) for the defense of students’ rights, at ACAT Canada for the defense of human rights and at the Centre MGL in the field of popular education, she distinguished herself by energizing their services and deploying their impact. Previously, she trained in the field of organizational management as an archivist for Cirque du Soleil, Collège des médecins, École de Technologie Supérieure and Place des Arts, among others. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Fédération des Femmes du Québec (FFQ) from 2021 to 2024.

Nancy Labonté holds a master’s degree in religious studies and a doctorate in social and organizational communications, and is a lecturer at the Université de Montréal.

Aware of the issues surrounding HIV, she is keen to support Maison Plein Cœur and its team in the development momentum that will characterize the organization in 2024. Close to people and endowed with great kindness, she is proud to be part of Maison Plein Cœur, which helps people living with HIV by making a concrete difference every day.

Stéphane Gauthier

Stéphane Gauthier

Administrative Assistant


Extension: 223

Stéphane Gauthier is an administrative coordinator by training. He holds a DEC in office automation and an AEC in office work coordination. Stéphane has worked in a number of companies in different business sectors, including health care at the CHUM, a property management firm and the aeronautics industry.

“As someone who has been living with HIV since 2005, I have long wanted to get involved in the community with a clientele that I can relate to. I am very happy to find myself at Maison Plein Cœur, an incredible organization that I am learning to discover and that makes me want to deepen my knowledge of the community and to get involved.”

Denis-Martin Chabot

Denis-Martin Chabot

Development Manager


Extension: 231

A native of Quebec City, Denis-Martin Chabot studied journalism at Carleton University in Ottawa. He was a journalist at Radio-Canada (radio, television and web) for over 32 years. He is now a freelance journalist, author and comedian. He hosts L’Heure où l’arc-en-ciel se lève, a program and podcast on queer issues on Canal M. He is the author of several biographies, including Laurent McCutcheon et la révolution gaie et lesbienne du Québec (Éditions de l’Homme, 2020). He participated in the production of the documentary Les deux Villages (Productions Luc Dauphin, 2017) and is working on another about the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. His novels, Rue Sainte-Catherine Est, métro Beaudry and Il y a longtemps que je t’aime, je ne t’oublierai jamais, won the Prix du Roman gay 2017. He is the executive and artistic director of Fierté littéraire, an NPO that promotes queer literature since 2012.

Living with HIV since 2004, he came out publicly in 2016. Since 2018, he has devoted much of his time to Maison Plein Cœur, a non-profit organization that supports people living with HIV in Montreal. In 2019, Fierté Montréal awarded him the Claude-Tourangeau Award for his contribution to the fight against stigma and serrophobia.

Didier Leroy

Didier Leroy

Outreach Worker – Entraide positive


Extension : 235

Didier was an early AIDS activist involved in Act-UP Paris in the 90s. He worked for many years in the Paris region as a special care counsellor in child protection services. Didier arrived in Quebec just under a year ago and wants to dedicate his career to serving people living with HIV. He joined the Maison Plein Cœur team in November 2019 as an Entraide Positive Outreach Worker.

Antoinette Ngalula Kulondi

Antoinette Ngalula Kulondi

Home Care Outreach Worker


Extension : 237

Antoinette has 17 years of training and experience in nursing. She joined the team in 2010 as a home care outreach worker and home helper, mainly for pregnant women, new mothers, and their children.

Roseleine Delva

Roseleine Delva

Home Care Outreach Worker


Extension : 229

Roseleine has has been part of our team since 2005, working as a home care outreach worker and helping mainly pregnant women, new mothers, and their children. She also works as a home care assistant.

Caroline Desjardins

Caroline Desjardins

Coordinator and facilitator for Aging people at home program


Extension : 230

With more than 20 years of experience with seniors in CHSLD, Caroline Desjardins is now ready for a new challenge. Full of energy, she is a person with a big heart filled with empathy, without judgment, but also with a touch of madness. That helps!

Vacant position​

Coordinator - Speaker Entraide Positive

Patrick Paquin

Patrick Paquin

Volunteer Coordinator


Extension : 227

Before becoming Volunteer Coordinator for Maison Plein Cœur, I had the privilege of being Head Cashier at Renaissance. During this time, I had the opportunity to accompany newcomers into the world of work, helping them develop professional skills and integrate into society.

My commitment to the well-being of others has always been the driving force behind my actions. That’s why I’m enthusiastic about continuing this mission as Volunteer Coordinator. My current role is to work with our team of volunteers to create a positive impact in our community.

Jean-Francois Primeau

Jean-Francois Primeau

Residence coordinator

He, they

Extension : 228

Carl Alexandre Larouche

Carl Alexandre Larouche

Coordinator-intervenor at Résilience Positive


Extension : 236

Vacant position

Activity facilitator

Peter Binsse

Peter Binsse



Extension : 221

Benoit Archambault

Jean-Benoit Archambault

Communications Assistant


Jean-Benoit Archambault worked on several projects for Maison Plein cœur as a graphic designer before being hired in November 2023 as communications assistant. Among other things, he created the website you’re visiting right now!

In addition to managing the site, he is responsible for social networks, the newsletter, the creation of all advertising, the layout of activity reports and the design of visual signatures for fundraising campaigns.

Also an actor and theater producer, he discovered a passion for graphic design 22 years ago, and has been evolving with these three passions/jobs ever since.